Grandall 2023 Group Basketball Game

November 13, 2023

Grandall Law Firm

Grandall Law Firm (Chinese: 国浩律师事务所), is a Chinese law firm provide full service in Chinese corporate and commercial law. Grandall has offices across 32 cities located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Kunming, Tianjin, Chengdu, Ningbo, Xi'an, Nanjing, Nanning, Fuzhou, Jinan, Chongqing, Suzhou, Changsha, Taiyuan, Wuhan, Guiyang, Urumqi, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, Hefei, Hainan, Qingdao, Hong Kong, Paris, Madrid, Silicon Valley, Stockholm and New York. Being one of the largest full-service law firms in China, the firm has over 600 global partners, and alliances with over 50 top-tier international law firms. Its services are extended to 155 cities in 59 countries and regions, and has won numerous awards and honors across the globe.

2023 Group Basketball Game

After the COVID in the world,  Grandall  Operation Department held a basketball game for employees to boost morale. iSens cooperate with the brand operation department and created he Key visual and surrounding items for the event. The game achieved success A great success.

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